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Ramraya with Lotus’s Kitakan Jiran

The Food Aid Foundation, in collaboration with Lotus’s, proudly organized the “Ramraya with Lotus’s” event, a heartwarming initiative aimed at spreading joy and nourishment. This remarkable event saw the preparation and distribution of thousands of cooked meals, directly benefiting orphanages in various locations.

Our dedicated volunteers and partners gathered at Lotus’s Kota Bharu, Seberang Jaya, Melaka, and Shah Alam, working tirelessly to ensure that each meal was prepared with love and care. The event was a testament to the power of community and the importance of giving back, especially during festive seasons.

At the heart of “Ramraya with Lotus’s” was the spirit of togetherness and generosity. The smiles on the faces of the children at the orphanages were a poignant reminder of the impact that a warm meal and a kind gesture can have. Each location buzzed with activity as volunteers cooked, packed, and served meals, creating a ripple of happiness that touched many lives.

The Food Aid Foundation extends its deepest gratitude to Lotus’s for their unwavering support and to all the volunteers who made this event possible. Your contributions have not only filled stomachs but have also nourished hearts.

Join us in our mission to continue spreading love and compassion. Together, we can make a difference, one meal at a time.